Prayer for a Financial Breakthrough

Written October 15, 2022
By @cedarinlebanon (Tik Tok)
Angela Donacien

Do not attempt to cast out demons if you are willingly living in sin, it can be dangerous. 

LUKE 11:26 

Heavenly Father,

I consecrate myself before You today, and I am believing that You can bring wonderful miracles into my life. (Joshua 3:5) Lord, Your word says that You will supply all of my needs, according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) So I believe that any area of my finances, that are experiencing lack and drought comes from the devil. According to Your word, this is why Jesus came. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:8) I pray that You dismantle all of the works of the devil, out of my finances, in Jesus name.

Lord, Your word says that "death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." (Proverbs 18:21) So, I renounce and I come out of agreement with every word curse that I have ever spoken over my finances, in Jesus name. Lord forgive me for coming into agreement with lies from the devil about my finances. I also renounce all word curses that have been spoken over my finances from family members, friends, coworkers, and other unknown enemies, in Jesus name. I declare that their word curses never touch me, and they are powerless, in Jesus name. I bind and destroy, with the fire of the Holy Ghost all financial destruction caused by witchcraft, I declare that the spirit of witchcraft will backfire and will not affect the state of my wealth, in Jesus name. I cover my job, my businesses, my assets, all forms of my wealth & income and my blessings raining down from the heavenly realms, with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Lord, I pray that You have mercy on me and pour out Your grace. I break every generational curse of poverty off of my life, in Jesus name. I cry out to You Lord and ask You to deliver me! Lord, Your word says that the guilty never go unpunished, and that You punish the children, and their children's children for the sins of the parents, to the third and fourth generations. (Exodus 34:7) So Lord, I repent on behalf of my forefathers and foremothers! Anything that they have done in their lifetime, which has opened to door to the curse of poverty, to run in our generation, I break it off of my life, by the blood of Jesus Christ. I declare that through the blood of Jesus Christ and my faith in You, I have been redeemed and restored, in Jesus name. Lord, may You give me increase more and more, me and my children, in Jesus name. (Psalm 115:14) Lord my God, I fear You and I greatly delight in Your commands. May You allow my children to be mighty in the land, and allow my generation to be blessed. I declare that wealth and riches are in my house and Your righteousness endures forever. (Psalm 112:1-3)

Father, I rebuke all demonic assignments and attacks against my finances in Jesus name. I break every known and unknown covenant, contract and agreement with spirits connected to financial lack and frustrations, in Jesus name. I declare that the favor of the Lord is working in my life. I declare that the oil of favor is fresh on my head, every new day. I declare that Christ's power is always resting on me, including my finances. I rebuke and bind the spirits of lack, insufficiency, poverty, debt, anti promotion, bareness, financial curses, financial instability, financial ruin, financial entrapment, financial destruction, court cases, sickness, bankruptcy, bad credit scores, penury, evictions, inadequacy, financial emergencies, hardship, impoverishment, loss, beggary, accidents, destitution, scarcity, deficiency and other demonic induced financial curses that would redirect my wealth into a place You have never intended for it to be, in Jesus name. I bind all spirits of the locust, the cankerworm, the caterpillar, the python, and the palmerworm that not only sucks up finances but redirects the flow of it. I decree and declare that I spend my finances responsibility and I am grateful for everything that You bless me with pertaining to my finances and assets, in Jesus name. I loose the spirits of abundance, prosperity, financial stability, favor, employment, progress, supernatural advancement, supernatural breakthroughs, miracles, double acceleration, profit, excess and overflow, wealth, blessings, riches, grace, resources, abundance of funds, fortune, privilege, hope, satisfaction, comfort and ease, clarity, luxury, affluence and assurance, in Jesus name.

Father, I chop off the heads of my enemies in the spirit, who are making sure that there are financial destructions and curses that remain active in my life. I declare they are broken off, by the blood of Jesus Christ! Anything that I have ignorantly allowed to go on, in my life because of my lack of knowledge, I declare that it is being restored even now, as I am praying this prayer. You are a righteous God that heals and restores and the righteous never have to beg. Lord, Your word says that You will restore back to me for the years that the locust, the palmerworm, the caterpillar, and the cankerworm have eaten away at my blessings. (Joel 2:25) You have also said that when the thief is caught they have to restore sevenfold for what they have stolen (Proverbs 6:31), so now my enemies owe me seven times what they have stolen from me, for the destruction that they have caused to my finances, in Jesus name. 

Father God, I declare that I retrieve back, what spiritual robbers have stolen away from me! I declare that my enemies will no longer get away with occupying my financial blessings. I take it back by power and by force, in Jesus name. I declare that my enemies will no longer, block, hinder or delay my blessings from raining upon my life from the heavenly realms, in Jesus name. I declare that your warring angels in the heavenly realms, will not stop until they see that I have received what rightfully belongs to me, in Jesus name. I declare that when I receive my financial blessings, I will enjoy them. Any spirit that wants to stop me from enjoying my financial blessings, I command them to catch fire right now, in the name of Jesus, get out of my way! Lord Your word says, "The blessings of the Lord bring wealth, without painful toil for it." (Proverbs 10:22) So I rebuke every demon that tries to make me toil painfully in my blessings. Lord, Your word also says that when You give someone wealth and possessions, You give them the ability to accept their lot and be happy in their toil, which is a gift from You. Your word says that we will not reflect on the days of our life because you keep us occupied with gladness in our heart. (Ecclesiastes 5:19-20) So I rebuke every demon that tries to bring me back to the past, to things that were painful and hard with a lot of suffering! I declare that is NOT my portion, as a daughter to You Lord. I rebuke every demon that thinks that they have the right and authority to control my finances, in Jesus name!

Lord, I lift my hands up with thanksgiving and praise as I declare that I believe You, when You said You will give me the ability to produce wealth, to confirm Your covenant to me, which you have sworn to my ancestors. (Deuteronomy 8:18) Father, I believe in the promise You made to me, when You said I will lend to many nations but borrow from none. (Deuteronomy 15:6) I declare that I am a lender and I am not a borrower. For it is by Your grace that I have been restored and blessed. I declare that all of Your blessings come upon me and overtake me because I obey Your voice, Lord. (Deuteronomy 28:2) I give thanks to You Lord, for Your word, which heals me! I worship You Lord! I decree and declare that I am blessed when I come in, and blessed when I go out. (Deuteronomy 28:6) Lord my God, because of You, and Your wonderful grace, in all things, at all times, I have all sufficiency in all things, and abundance in every good work, (2 Corinthians 9:8) and I thank You Lord. I declare that all seeds that I sow, will produce a crop, some one hundred, some sixty and some thirty, in Jesus name.

I thank You now Lord, for the financial blessing and restoration. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for Your authority and power. Thank You for Your help and healing. I now declare that by faith it is now done. In Jesus name I pray,


Heavenly Father,

I pray that whoever reads this prayer receives an instant financial miracle and breakthrough according to Your plans and their current situations. Your power is made perfect in our weakness, those who need You, rely on Your strength, in Jesus name I pray,


Check out Angela's Book's

New* Women's Devotional: Dear Lord Keep This Between Us By Angela Donacien My spiritual warfare book "THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE SPIRIT BY ANGELA DONACIEN" My romance novel "PROMENADE CRUSH BY ANGELA DONACIEN"



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