Prayer Against Dream Attacks/ for Sweet Sleep

 Written October 24, 2022
By @cedarinlebanon (Tik Tok)
Angela Donacien

Do not attempt to cast out demons if you are willingly living in sin, it can be dangerous. 

LUKE 11:26 

Heavenly Father,

I take full authority over my home and over my environment, in Jesus name. I put on the whole armor of God according to Ephesians 6:10-18. I put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, I have my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, I take on the shield of faith, I put on the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, in Jesus name. I cover myself in the blood of Jesus, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, I declare that my home is saturated in the blood of Jesus, including in between the walls, the appliances, the vents, the pipes, and everything that is connected to my apartment within this building, in Jesus name. I command every demon of the night to leave my presence now, in the mighty name of Jesus. I declare that I am not afraid of the terror by night, nor the pestilence that walks in the darkness, and I only see with my eyes the punishment of the wicked. I declare that the Lord is my refuge and my fortress. (Psalm 91) 

I renounce every demon of the night and every paralyzing demon. I declare that they get struck down by the thunder fire of God and they become paralyzed, in Jesus name. I bind every demon that is watching and waiting for me to fall asleep so that they can project themselves in my dreams to carry out evil assignments and I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind and dreamland.  I declare that their plots against me will backfire, in Jesus name. I declare that the angel of the Lord encamps around me and rescues me. (Psalm 34:7) I declare that the Lord gives His angels charge over me to protect me, in Jesus name. (Luke 4:10)

I bind the night walking spirits and the binding ghouls and I tie them up with a three strand cord that cannot be easily broken, in Jesus name. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) I declare that I cage them up in the spirit and I stop their works from manifesting in my spiritual and physical life, in Jesus name. I bind every paralysis demon, and every sexual demon that comes to have sex or molest. I declare that You my Lord, give me the strength to call on You, and You will have my enemies trembling in fear. They shall fear Your name from the west and Your glory from the rising sun! When the enemies come in like a flood, Your Spirit Lord will lift up a standard against them. (Isaiah 59:19)

I declare that when I lie down I will not be afraid, when I lie down my sleep will be sweet. (Proverbs 3:24), in Jesus name. I command all of their witchcraft manipulations to be broken off of my life now, in Jesus name. I break every covenant, contract, and agreement with every demon that has been in my dreams and I command them to never return again, in Jesus name. 

I bind all spirits of fear, paranoia, insomnia, restlessness, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, sleep walking and every other sleep disorder, in Jesus name, because Lord according to Your word, that is not of You. Lord, I declare that by the blood of Jesus Christ, every area that the enemy uses to come into my life to attack and interrupt my sleep it is destroyed and it is inaccessible to them now! 

I bind all demonic dreams and dream manipulations and Father I pray that You give me heavenly encounters in my dreams, in Jesus name. I invite the Holy Spirit to take over the atmosphere of my home, my mind, my body, my soul, and my spirit, in Jesus name. I loose the spirits of sweet sleep, rest, peace, love, stillness, angelic protection and calmness, in Jesus name. The gates of hell will not prevail against me! (Matthew 16:18) I declare that everything that I have prayed has been heard by You Lord and the heavens, and it will all be demonstrated now as I lay my head down to sleep, in Jesus name I pray,


Anoint your head everynight before bed if night attacks/ dream attacks are a regular thing. Also, anoint your bed & your room. (Windows, doors, mirrors etc)

Check out Angela's Book's

New* Women's Devotional: Dear Lord Keep This Between Us By Angela Donacien My spiritual warfare book "THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE SPIRIT BY ANGELA DONACIEN" My romance novel "PROMENADE CRUSH BY ANGELA DONACIEN"


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